This item is a reproduction of the US AIRFORCE mechanic's work pants from the 1950s, featuring a unique design that combines elements of military trousers and painter's pants. It is characterized by a rugged and wide silhouette with a deep rise and a single pleat in the front.
FP025-24-01: MILITARY BACK SATIN / SAGE GREEN ¥36,300 (tax incl.)
FP025-24-02: COTTON DRILL / DARK KHAKI ¥37,400 (tax incl.)
FP025-24-03: 8.5oz HIGH DENSITY INDIGO DENIM ¥35,200 (tax incl.)
Yamagata MASUYA TEL: 023-634-0087
Chiba herbie TEL: 04-7167-0378
Chiba SECOURS TEL: 047-411-6606
Tokyo LIGHT BULB TEL: 0422-23-7520
Tokyo NEST authentic dry goods TEL: 03-3233-7888
Osaka UNCLE SAM TEL: 06-6213-5400
Hyogo red triangle TEL: 06-6480-5083
Kagoshima ZOOL TEL: 099-224-3881
Macao Mr.Cityboy
Korea Havati
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